
Transfers all documents created in Infoma newsystem automatically for filing and management in electronic departmental files, such as financial, tax, enforcement files, etc. Developed as an integral component of Infoma newsystem, the electronic file provides you with reliable and efficient process support in your everyday work, including processing of external and internal documents and quick access. Available options include tamper-proof archiving of all document types - such as incoming invoices, tax assessments, and much more - with custom mapping of archive terms and other legal regulations for each document type.

More detailed information can be found in our flyer about the electronic file.

Your benefits:

  • Informative
    Obtain information quickly, simply, and directly in Infoma newsystem with a custom filing structure
  • Paperless
    No traditional filing work or paper-based systems
  • Intuitive
    All work completed exclusively on your regular interface
  • Efficient
    Fully automated file configuration in Infoma newsystem based on filing plan and / or classification system
  • Flexible
    Use the file with or without an existing DMS system or hardware / software archiving solution